What is the OzAngel Program?
OzAngel is a safety initiative to help provide a safe environment where all women can feel protected whilst within bars, clubs and hotels.
Working with venues and local groups, OzAngel aids women while out on the town. Simply ask for an 'OzAngel' and the venue will assist you in feeling safe and escorting you from the venue.
Whether you're on a date, in an uncomfortable situation or simply out and about; our registered venues are here to help.
Our Mission
To provide the opportunity of a safer environment for venues and women.
Supporting Groups
The program has gained support from Regional Councils, Qld Police groups, Chaplain Nightwatch and The Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
Program Expansion
The program has expanded quickly and is now implemented in select venues from The Whitsundays to Brisbane.
Easy Venue Registration
Interested in becoming a registered OzAngel venue? Contact us today! Registration is free and you'll get all the materials you need.

How does the OzAngel Program work?
The program is designed as a partnership with participating venues and community groups.
The service allows women who may be in an unsafe situation to approach bar staff and ask for an "OzAngel". Situations could include first dates, tinder dates who are not who they say they are on their profile or being harrassed by someone who will simply not take "No" for an answer.
Asking for an OzAngel allows venue staff to know that help is required and can arrange for the patron to be escorted from the venue safely and discreetly with minimal fuss. Escorts are carried out by venue staff or security, given the venues circumstances.
Program flyers are displayed in venue restrooms as well as further information available via social media.